
Showing posts from August, 2019

Writer's confessions

Happy, such a simple word. Two syllable word, ha-ppy. I mean how hard could it be. To be happy? That's the challenge right there. I know my audience is probably millennials who are 'living their best life', for the gram and all, but work with me here. In the waking up, looking forward to your day, the day itself, all the way to your reflection at the end of it all just before you go to sleep. Happy, even when there's a driver that's been honking for the past 10 minutes for whatever reason right outside your house while all you're trying to do is have a lovely evening, worst case scenario. We're all just trying the best we can, because essentially no one really wakes up wanting to have the worst week of their lives, or to have everything that could go wrong literally go wrong.  If I keep going down this path this might turn into sappy life advice, not really what I'm going for, so let's rephrase.  They say you cannot really separate an arti...