
Showing posts from March, 2019


            Background music? Check. Inspiration is in the air today. Actually inspiration has been in the air all week I even considered starting guitar classes, creativity is creativity, right ? Are blogs just YouTube channels for kids who aren't sure about camera angles and video backgrounds ?🙅💆💆 Hmmmm.. ..Anyway I digress. When it comes to you it comes to you. That one thing that you don't have to think about to do. It's like second nature. You might be the crowd puller, the crowd enhancer, crowd avoider, but you're somewhere in that crowd, or not, if that makes any sense.Wait a minute, you remember that  background music we checked up there ? Well it's some cheesy stuff like Shawn Mendes, Adelle, you know the type, all lyrics and emotions, kinda distracting. Like did you notice that Shawn Mendes is almost always lying down in his videos. Okay now I sound like I'm in high school.  Let's switch to some lullaby jazz instrument...